Telegram Residency (18)

Set: Buttney Reactions

A funny telegram sticker pack about Nadja Buttendorfs reactions.

Artist: Nadja Buttendorf

Nadja Buttendorf (1984) questions current norms and codes of gender constructions and value creation mechanisms of the human body in our digital society. Her works make it clear that our understanding of technology is also linked to patriarchal power relations. Her interactive works and video projects, on the other hand, draw multi-layered new narratives in which women become visible again as an elementary part of the history of technology. She extracts communicative moments of participation in the Internet both in her performative jewelry objects and in her tutorial workshops. DIY, as a widespread online aesthetic, is used specifically as a strategy of access and rejection of neoliberal work ethics.

Works and workshops by Nadja Buttendorf have been shown at the HKW Berlin, the Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, Künstlerhaus Bremen, LaGaîtéLyrique Paris, the MU Eindhoven, the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, Halle 14 – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, the D21 Leipzig and the Berlin. She has also given lecture performances at Re:publica, the CCC, Creamcake and the nGbK Berlin. Nadja Buttendorf is a trained goldsmith and studied fine arts at the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle (Saale

video docu “Generation of Bastards”

In April 2020 was invited to spend 14 days at Telegram Residency organised by Netart.Berlin. One of the output was an Telegram bot to generate endless Sticker sets based on DCGAN trained on human faces and emojis.

More at…

Available packs:…… More packs would be genrated by @mtzaibot (will be alive for a while)

Exhibition presents stickers and sticker sets that have been produced by 19 different artists and collectives who have participated in the online artist-in-residency program organized by the Zentrum für Netzkunst on the Telegram messenger app. The sets can be collected online on Telegram or offline in a limited-edition scrapbook available at

Participating artists:
Nadja Buttendorf | Sjonnie Barbarossa | Emma Damiani | Nieves de la Fuente | Carla Gannis | Emilie Gervais | Max Grau | Franziska von Guten | Joan Heemskerk | Thiago Hersan | IOCOSE | Merz Akademie Stuttgart | Rosa Menkman | Lorna Mills | Marie Luise Möller | New Media Class Kunsthochschule Kassel | Miyö Van Stenis | igor štromajer | Barbora Trnkova [&] Tomas Javurek

Slow opening
Sat June 13 2020

7pm live coding performance by IOCOSE

Regular opening times
Wed–Sat 3–7pm
June 17–July 4 2020

Gerichtsstraße 23 – do to the yard construction please enter the gallery from the panke river side!
Hof 5
13347 Berlin