OPENCOIL exhibition @Haus der Statistik

OPENCOIL is an exhibition that operates within micro-mobility services in urban space by using the decentralized infrastructure of e-scooters for displaying art, while also addressing the conditions and effects of this infrastructure. 10 artists present their works on a small Wifi controller with ~2MB offline memory, which are connected to 10 randomly-selected e-scooters in Berlin. As soon as the scooters are rented, visitors get access to the exhibition via their smartphones. If connected to the local unencrypted WiFi network sent by the Wifi chip, a web portal opens automatically, where the works can be viewed. The current locations of the artworks can be followed at Haus der Statistik, as well as on this website: (

OPENCOIL is not only a pandemic suitable way to show art in public offline space, the exhibition is also a creative (re-)use of e-scooters: an attempt to approach them through artistic intervention. The presented works deal with questions of the overlap between public and private space, the employment of resources, as well as greenwashing, venture capitalism, and vandalism. All works have been optimized by the artists for mobile viewing.

Participating artists:
Aram Bartholl | Constant Dullart | Dennis de Bel & Anton Jehle | JODI | Jonas Lund | Martin Howse | !Mediengruppe Bitnik | Rosa Menkman | Sarah Grant | Sofya Aleynikova

16.10.20, 7:00pm Zentrum für Netzkunst @ Haus der Statistik, Haus D, Otto-Braun-Str. 70-72, 10178 Berlin

17.10.20, Ko-Markt Zentrum für Netzkunst @ Haus der Statistik, Haus D, Otto-Braun-Str. 70-72, 10178 Berlin

Roaming speedshow
26.10. – 01.11.20, throughout Berlin

For further information:

Zentrum für Netzkunst Opening hours in Haus der Statistik

Zentrum für Netzkunst is open every Thursday and Friday 2pm – 6pm in August. We have a selection of books on internet art, a research terminal including interviews with some exciting artists and people who like to talk about internet! (Also some stickers left.) Come say Hallo and have a look in Haus der Statistik (Otto-Braun-Str. 70-72, Haus D)!

Telegram Residency (18)

Set: Buttney Reactions

A funny telegram sticker pack about Nadja Buttendorfs reactions.

Artist: Nadja Buttendorf

Nadja Buttendorf (1984) questions current norms and codes of gender constructions and value creation mechanisms of the human body in our digital society. Her works make it clear that our understanding of technology is also linked to patriarchal power relations. Her interactive works and video projects, on the other hand, draw multi-layered new narratives in which women become visible again as an elementary part of the history of technology. She extracts communicative moments of participation in the Internet both in her performative jewelry objects and in her tutorial workshops. DIY, as a widespread online aesthetic, is used specifically as a strategy of access and rejection of neoliberal work ethics.

Works and workshops by Nadja Buttendorf have been shown at the HKW Berlin, the Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund, Künstlerhaus Bremen, LaGaîtéLyrique Paris, the MU Eindhoven, the NRW-Forum Düsseldorf, Halle 14 – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig, the D21 Leipzig and the Berlin. She has also given lecture performances at Re:publica, the CCC, Creamcake and the nGbK Berlin. Nadja Buttendorf is a trained goldsmith and studied fine arts at the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle (Saale

Opening at Haus der Statistik

we would like to invite you to our opening at Haus der Statistik (Otto-Braun Straße 70-72, Berlin) on 25th of January from 2 till 8 pm.

There will be a life-telegram-performance of the New Media Class of Kunsthochschule Kassel at 5 pm.

Since September 2019 the Center for Net Art invites artists and activists to create sticker sets and publish them on the Telegram Channel Existing works are taken up, but also new concepts are developed. All artists and activists are administrators of the channel, so that the stickers can be used inside and outside the channel and circulate in chats.

Established in 2003, the New Media Class of Kunsthochschule Kassel deals with technologies, digital infrastructure and the attempt to leave behind obsolete patterns of communication. Reflecting social discourses is part of the agenda as well as artistic experiments. Since 2018, Rosa Menkman takes the role of the deputy professor. She is part of the Telegram sticker residency with her set “Les Inconnues”. 

The Graph Sticker Set is a collaborative project by: Vreneli Harborth, Malin Kuht, Fabian Gimpel, Fabian Heller, Niels Walter, Saskia Kaffenberger, Jan-Hendrik Gebbe, Christopher Cäsper and Yannick Stark.

Happy to see you on Saturday!